We are Breaking the Silence About Death - Four Levels | Adventure In English

Daniel Goleman (1964)

We are Breaking the Silence About Death - Four Levels | Adventure In English

We are Breaking the Silence About Death

Literal Comprehension: Elisabeth Kublor – Rose work with the dying people in the mid-60s. Before that time the topic to death was banned. Now death has become a fashionable subject. Through her best selling book ” on death and dying” she has alert a new way of handling dying. She has suggested that people should die in their own homes rather than in a strange hospital. After working with the dying people for a long time, she has pointed out five psychological stages people usually experience when they know that they are going to die soon. These stages are denial, anger or rage, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These reactions are not limited to death but can take place with any change or lost.

Interpretation: The dying person denies or says “No” when he first knows that he is going to die. The denial makes it easy for him to bear the force of death. At the unconscious level, a person never believes that he will die. From their refusal, he begins to hope. Kublor Rose suggests that we should take about death with the patient and arrange to complete all possible things.

Critical Thinking: This passage has clearly expressed how the topic of death has become a fashionable subject. But The Behavior of dying person is at the unconscious level. This stages or levels are denial, anger or rage, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Assimilation: When a patient stops denying, he begins to be angry. He is angry about seeing other healthy people. When his anger becomes less, he starts bargaining with God. He wants to become good if he is given some more time to live. After he has accepted his death partially, he becomes depressed. He feels sorry for past mistakes or incomplete tasks. He wants to pass time in isolation. Finally, he accepts death peacefully and he is not worried about making his life longer. He settles everything. His own diseases also do not worry him. He enjoys the present moment without thinking of the future. He lives the full life.

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