20+ Viva Voice Questions With Answers From Description of Flower

Viva Voice Questions

20+ Viva Voice Questions With Answers From Description of Flower

Viva Voice From Description of Flower

Biology | Practical Exam
20+ Viva Voice Questions with Answers from the Description of Flower
Class: 11

Q.1. What is a flower?
Ans. A modified shoot meant for reproduction is called flower.

Q.2. Which are the essential whorls of flower?
Ans. Androecium and gynoecium are the essential whorls of a flower.

Q.3 Define polypetalous and polysepalous condition of flower?
Ans. When petals are free :Polypetalous
When sepals are free :Polysepalous.

Q.4. What is placentation?
Ans. The arrangement of ovules in the chamber of the ovary is called placentation.

Q.5. What is monothecous and Dithecous anther?
Ans. When there is only one anther lobe in anther it is called monothecous, when there are two lobes in anther it is called dithecous.

Q.6. What are monoadelphous and diadelphous stamens?
Ans. When all the stamens are grouped in a single group it is called monoadelphous stamens.When stamens are grouped in two groups, they are called diadelphous stamens.

Q.7. What is flower’s importance to plant?
Ans. Flower helps in reproduction thus helps in continuation of species.

Q.8. To which family sweet pea belongs?
Ans. Sub family papilionaceae.

Q.9. To which family china rose belongs?
Ans. Malvaceae

Q.10. How many stamens are found in china rose?
Ans. Infinite.

Q.11. Mention the characteristics of gynoecium in china rose.
Ans. Ovary is pentacarpellary, syncarpous and superior.

Q.12. How many stamens are found in sweet pea?
Ans. Ten stamens arranged in two groups (9) + 1.

Q.13. What is the condition of ovary in sweet pea ?
Ans. Ovary is unilocular, superior with marginal placentation

Q.14. What is the condition of stamens in sweet pea?
Ans. Diadelphous (9) + 1

Q.15. What type of corolla is found in solanaceae?
Ans. Gamopetalous, rotate, five lobed

Q.16. What type of gynoecium is found in Petunia?
Ans. Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, bilocular with axile placentation

Q.17. To which family onion belongs?
Ans. Family liliaceae

Q.18. How many stamens are found in liliaceae?
Ans. Six, arranged in two whorls

Q.19. What is perianth?
Ans. When there is no distinction between calyx and corolla and the two are collectively known as perianth. Individual member of perianth is called tepal.

Q.20. Define following terms/terminology.
Bracteate, Ebracteate, Sessile, Pedicellate, Incomplete, Trimerous, Tetramerous, Pentamerous, Actinomorphic, Zygomorphic, Asymmetrical, Bisexual, Unisexual, Staminate, Pistillate, Hypogynous, Perigynous, Epigynous.
Ans. Refer Introduction.

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