Where The Mind is Without Fear - Four Levels | The Flax-Golden Tales

Rabindranath Tagore, India(1961-1941)

Where The Mind is Without Fear - Four Levels | The Flax-Golden Tales

Where The Mind is Without Fear

Literal Comprehension: The poet imagines the perfect heaven where people feel no fear and they are equally respected and they can walk raising their heads. People can get knowledge freely without any disturbances. The world there is no divided into smaller countries by any kind on the narrow borderline. People there will speak the truth and work untiringly until they get perfection. There superstition and tradition do not block the region and people always come to the logical conclusion. In such a world of freedom, the poet wants god to wake up all his countrymen.

Interpretation: This poem might be trying to tell us the value of reason, knowledge, freedom, universality, and honesty. The poet may be trying to create some kind of utopia, that is, an ideal and perfect place where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best.

Critical Thinking: This is a prose poem. It is read like a conversation. The poet is talking to the almighty father. It may sound idealistic but it is the poet who can imagine a better world. We should try to reach it as closely as possible.

Assimilation: This poem has thought to be to live a fearless life. It has also inspired me to live a better life. It has made me forget my present unhappy condition and imagine a utopian world.

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